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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: Inventions
Sadly gyroscopes cannot produce propulsion but rockets can. The velocity limits a rocket may produce is limited to the speed of the explosion driving it. At the high end, the rocket would have no thrust at all. In space distance and time that is very slow. I have in mind that the fuel could be accelerated through a tube from the front of the ship to the rear even as fuel is exploding. This can be accomplished with magnetics. The speed of electromagnetics I speculate is perhaps half or more than the speed of light. The tub would have to be curved and continuous to carry rotating chambers from front to rear. The chambers would be thrust with electromagnets. This may be the future of space travel where long-lasting nuclear batteries can extend the fuel burn time in a narrower and faster stream of thrust. If I were younger I would attempt to build a miniature drive like that. What do you think?
Date: 26 October 2019
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 09/11/2019 18:52:44
 If we had focused our time on real and possible inventions we would have accomplished a lot, because the people here are all out of the box and extraordinarily clever—and very smart.

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Answer: Sandy - 16/11/2019 19:08:49
 Evening Glenn,
Faith in rocket propulsion?
I think that I shall stay guided by some of the words of wisdom spoken by my father.
It must have been in 1946 or maybe 1947 after WW2 ended my father and I were discussing the German introduction of the liquid fuelled rocket to the world that is of course the V2 rocket and the pulse jetted V1 “Flying Bomb”
Both novel devices at the time
In light of that ongoing discussion my father who was a far-sighted sort of person continued by discussing with me the possibility of humans ever reaching another star system even the nearest one, utilising the limited resources we had at our disposal.
We were both aware that when the flame goes out, you are left freewheeling, with the very serious effects of having no gravity, all the rest of the way there at that particular terminal velocity.
Considering the limited terminal velocities achievable with our latest space vehicles any trip was going to take some considerable time.
At that time, I had read that suspended animation was the method favoured to be utilised to enable a crew of human beings to survive this protracted trip
Assume even today a spacecraft of some form or other heads out into space in an attempt to reach a near star, the nearest being 4 and a bit lightyears away
He added that the way things work, and taking into consideration the present rate of our technical development, a later technique would overtake that vessel carrying out the same journey long before it ever got a fraction of the way there.
Some-time later, maybe even years later, another craft using a more advanced technique would overtake the most recent one and so on.
Eventually an “anti-gravity” device which is what it was called in those days would be developed, which owing to its continuous acceleration would very rapidly overtake them all one at a time, and make multiple trips back and forth before the fastest of the rest ever gets there.
He did not at that time call it an inertial drive but he suggested the possibility of such a device
He also hinted at the possibility of even eliminating the effects of inertia that being the neutralising or eliminating of the effects of acceleration.
He thought that they may even accelerate the crew in a Mobius type motion or path to counteract inertial effects.
Acceleration could become infinite, but controlling that would be something else
It would be nice to have enough time to switch the drive off before we get there.

This could only have been speculation on his part as it was much later on in my life
that I discovered that much of his guessing may possibly become reality.

He meant that it would be better to be patient and invest in a safe, reliable, cheap and efficient method of carrying out such a task, rather than invoke the “gung ho” approach favoured by so many monied, participating groups.
I reckon that I am just as brave as the next guy though having been an engineer all of my life, and possessing more than my fair share of imagination “riding the stack” and /or being one of the “right stuff” does not turn me on at all.
And another thing, whose help are you going to call on if you wish to make a rapid and sizeable change in direction, to dodge a large lump of space-rock, for instance.

“Better not to have died than tried” is my motto, and at 82, I shall value and hang on to the bit of time I have left.
A person gets one shot only, and that is forever.
However unlikely it may be, if I ever decide I want to leave this planet, it will be by a method of my choice and certainly not the one where I will be strapped in the top of a potential bomb.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 17/11/2019 19:54:15
 Dear Sandy,
That is beautiful. It really is. Thank you for it. I wonder if you knew we think so alike. I will enjoy adding my mind to your reasoning. I suppose it will be lengthy but hopefully insightful and interesting as yours is. But for now first, to the mundane chores, I have put off.
Take good care of yourself my ingenious Scotsman friend,

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 20/11/2019 05:03:08
 Good evening Sandy and any who might be interested.
A sobering thought we sometimes ignore, Albert Einstein, calculated that mass could travel up to 82% of the speed of light. But consider if we could travel at the speed of light.
The spacecraft, New Horizons, left Earth at 36,000 mph to the planet Pluto. Then it Slings-shot up to at 84,000 mph and the journey took 9.5 years.
The two nearest stars to our sun are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. They are 4.3 light-years from Earth. 1 light-year is about 6 Trillian miles. Traveling at our current fasted speed, 84,000 mph it would take 69, 982 years to get from here to there.
The closest known galaxy is the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, about 25,000 light-years, about 1,750,000 years away at our fastest rocket speed.
If nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, we are left only our solar system to explore and that in and of itself requires an incredible effort just to contemplate in reasonable terms.
If man survives himself long enough he will find a faster way to travel, still whatever and however that will be, it must in my mind still adhere to the laws of motion. I have postulated that using electromagnetic force that travels at the speed of light might be used to eject mass, such as exploding fuel, to increase rocket speed.
But who knows what method and machine might be discovered and built someday. For all the good souls here working steadfastly with gyroscopic torque, lucky for you to have found such a beautiful and complicated thing to study. My hope is sincerely for you to enjoy the learning and adventure.
Wishing you well Glenn,
Harry, if you find my numbers in error, I can’t wait for you to write, “Glenn you are wrong!” Have at it Harry & hoping you and your family are well and happy.

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Answer: USER REMOVED - 12/12/2019 23:52:41
 *message removed at request of user*

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 13/12/2019 17:33:41
 Nuts. Read the post.

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Answer: Gardner Martin - 24/04/2021 12:03:34
sorry to read how your father ruined your life by inculcating silly ideas.

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