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18 May 2024 20:37

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Asked by: kristijan
Subject: Interesting video and implication
Question: This is the experiment that needs to be done more precisely. The author of this video is forcing a precession on the gyro when it is spinning out and is losing his energy and momentum. You nee 2 measurements on a pressure sensor that is accurate:
1. The gyro is spinning at its max and is force precessed on a scale and measure the weight change
2. lift the arm of the gyro without the gyro running at the sam eexact speed and measure the weight change.
Exact experiment that will once and for all debunk if forced preccession is a movement without inertia.....
No experiment is done in laboratory settings like this by my finding that has been documented. For any academics out there with the available equipment there is a simple research study that you can do...very interesting one that can be punished.

Date: 3 March 2020
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Sandy - 05/03/2020 17:46:10
 Hello Kristijan,
Some considerable time ago, I carried out many experiments relating to the gyroscopic actions you are describing.
I first described my experiments and findings sometime in in the early 80’s and included subsequent claims relating to said issue, several years later beginning in 2004 in this very forum, and repeated frequently ever since.
The system cannot change weight, although many persons think that it should.
The gyroscope in a non-rotating mode will obviously operate as if it was a dead weight
However, in a passive or gravitationally accelerated device, it can if the conditions are suitable enter a condition known as precession in which the gyroscope will demonstrate no centrifugal force or angular momentum.as it rotates.
This type of system is invariably a passive system in decay.
Neither centrifugal force nor angular momentum can be easily measured on a gravitationally accelerated system, especially when there is none to measure.

Consider a mechanically accelerated system.
For safety’s sake it would have to be a balanced system containing two equally opposed gyroscopes).
If a gyroscope is rotated in a suitable direction centrifugal force is diminished.
At a certain higher rotation speed the gyroscope becomes capable of transferring all of its weight to act down through the axis of the device rotation.
At this point there is no centrifugal force or angular momentum developed in the arm supporting the gyroscope.
This is similar in some respects to a system in precession.
This could be hard to see in a passive system but is displayed in a very obvious manner in a mechanically accelerated device
Again there is no weight change in the system.

In light of the fact that any claims I have made (including the submission of a conclusive VIPAC laboratory test and report from as far back as 1987) have been totally ignored by nearly everyone, I decided to hit the source of the problem by attacking the Momentum Conservation Laws.
I put Antigravity Machine Part 3 on YouTube to demonstrate the loss of centrifugal force by the alteration of gyroscope rotation speed but I discovered that my estimation of the number of idiots who watch YouTube was badly underestimated...
However, I have a much more seemingly impossible, head scratching device I would like to demonstrate on YouTube,
This device requires no instrumentation, or even an explanation for that matter

I hope this helps towards a better understanding of the problem.

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Answer: kristijan - 07/03/2020 20:09:45
when are you gone post that new video?
Really interested in that.

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Answer: kristijan - 07/03/2020 20:09:50
when are you gone post that new video?
Really interested in that.

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Answer: kristijan - 07/03/2020 20:09:54
when are you gone post that new video?
Really interested in that.

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Answer: Harry K. - 08/03/2020 12:33:47
 Hello Kristijan and Sandy,

Sandy you write:
„Consider a mechanically accelerated system.
For safety’s sake it would have to be a balanced system containing two equally opposed gyroscopes).
If a gyroscope is rotated in a suitable direction centrifugal force is diminished.“

This brings me to an idea to prove or disprove your assesment. If only one flywheel would spin and the opposed would not spin but behave only like a dead weight mass, the static balanced system should be imbalanced during a forced (precession) hub system rotation caused by centrifugal force of the not spinning flywheel (dead weight mass).

This experiment sounds simple, however I have to admit that I never did this experiment.
Anyway, this experiment should clearly show If centrifugal force demushes when an overhung flywheel is spinning and rotating about its system axis.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 08/03/2020 16:02:59
 This is a very good piece of mechanical reasoning. I’m impressed. Now I have to go wash out my mouth with soap for giving credence to the devil. I am just kidding you, Harold. You did good.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 09/03/2020 00:21:53
 I need to add that centrifuge will be lessened in the test in favor of Sandy. I explained why in a past post.

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Answer: Sandy - 11/03/2020 11:01:22
 Good evening Kristijen
I broke a part of my mitre gearbox which is now being replaced.
I will inform you when the repair is complete and the device is ready for filming.

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Answer: Sandy - 11/03/2020 11:04:28
 Good evening Harald,
I tried exactly what you suggest 30 plus years ago in the University of Dundee.
I removed a drive shaft from one gyro of the device leaving only one gyro being rotated.
I overdid it a bit and the machine destroyed itself as it bent itself in the direction.
of the non-rotating gyro.
I predicted that this would happen, but the academics were not at all impressed.
So be warned that it does not require a great difference in the gyro rotation speeds for the centrifugal force to get out of control.
I think that this was an item of discussion on this forum around 2004/5 when I described the very same thing.
Watch your head!

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